यु तो बेतिया राज के मन्दिर अधीक्षक कोमात्र १८०० रुपया वार्षिक बेतन मिलता है,लेकिन राज में खाकपति के रूप में आगमन से आज शौट-कट के जरिये अरबपती हो चुके है, अब अपने अधिनस्त के सभी मन्दिरों का आर्थिक नाकेबंदी कर रहे है,मन्दिरों का पेंट-पोचरा,बार्षिक उत्सव शुल्क ,माली, टहलू,सिपाही, बाबर्ची, दैनिक भोग समाग्री, सपाईसंसाधनो के आलावे रात्रि प्रहरी,पूजन व आभूषन तक को डकार चुके है,अब मन्दिरों से बेरोक -टोक आयोजन शुल्को के आलावे,भूखंड, तालाब, बाग,भवनों के लीज का पैसा भी राज में जमा करने के नाम पर ले रहे है ,और भगतो को मन्दिर में सहयोग करने से रोकते भी है , तथा मन्दिरों के बिकाश पर चर्चा करने के नाम से वे भड़क जाते है,तथा यह कहते है की मेरा कोई कुछ नहीं उखाड़ सकता ,मै अपने मरनो प्रान्त तक इस पद पर बना रहूँगा ,
अत: उनके लिए मेरा यह संदेस :-
होके बेदर्द यू लासो के कफन मत बेचो, फूल खिलनेदो आमन के चमन मत बेचो , तुमको बेतिया राज से हुए आमदनी की कसम देता हु, सवार्थ के हाथो अपना वतन मत बेचो
अत: उनके लिए मेरा यह संदेस :-
होके बेदर्द यू लासो के कफन मत बेचो, फूल खिलनेदो आमन के चमन मत बेचो , तुमको बेतिया राज से हुए आमदनी की कसम देता हु, सवार्थ के हाथो अपना वतन मत बेचो
Traitor of Bettiah Raj you will be uprooted in no time by Godess DURGA.
जवाब देंहटाएंHave faith in SHAKTI.We will see miracles in our lives as I saw in 1962,1964,1977 onwards in California.
जवाब देंहटाएंAs described in shiva Puranas Parvati was was daughter of prajapati king Daksha.Parvati loved shiva and got married with him without father's approval.They stated living on kailash mountain.One day king Daksha was performing fire yagna without inviting his son-in-law,Shiva and daughter Parvati.Shiva sent Parvati to inquire about reasons of not inviting them.When Parvati came to her father,he explained his dislikings of shiva because of shiva's association with snakes,magic performers and monks living in funeral palces called kapalics.Parvati felt insulted and self immolated in fire and died.Shiva got angry and started wandering with Parvati's dead body on earth and started destruction of infra structures of earth.News spread in heaven and Brahma sent Vishnu to solve the problem.Vishnu used his rotating dice-chakra and divided Parvati's dead body into fifty one places and distributed all over Indian sub-continent including Balochistan,srilanka.bengal.bhutan,Nepal.All the places where Parvati's body parts became fifty one Shaktipiths.Head of Parvati fell on Hingla mountain of Balchistan called Hngla SHAKTi PITH.Hinglamata temple is famous all over the world.On April 22nd each year people from all over the world come to get blessings of Hinglamata also called nanimata,Muslims come there also calling it nanimata haz and get all blessings.In Sindh,Gujrat,Rajsthan,Jharkhand-Ranchi there are Hinglamata temples.Fiftyone Shaktipiths are Fiftyone temples of Shakti.
जवाब देंहटाएंThere are one hundred eight names of Shakti,Durga is one of them.Bettiah Durga bag temple and four dwardevi temples also Shaktimata's temples.
जवाब देंहटाएंIn 2013, believers from all over the world numbering 300,000 will visit Hinglajmata aka nanimata temple in Balochistan.Humans of all faith,race,nationality will gather on April 22nd.This year is also the year of liberation of Balochistan as a nation of Baloch people.After all these years Nanimata has awaken again for liberation of Balochistan.Long live Hinglajmata
जवाब देंहटाएंTongue of Parvati fell in Khangra,Himanchal Pradesh and became jwalamata SHAKTi Peeth.Moghal king Jalaluddin Mohammad Akbar visited jwalamata temple and tried to offer sixty kilo gold shield but jwalamata changed it into unknown metal shield.Even today this metal shield is present in Khangra jwalamata temple.Scientists say this shield is combination of all metals present under Mother Earth.Long live Jwalamata temple in Khangra,H.P.
जवाब देंहटाएंLong live fifty one SHAKTi Piths in Indian sub sub continent.
जवाब देंहटाएंOne of fifty one body parts of Parvati fell in Bangal making it shakti pith and Bettiah raj extended upto Bangal.Shakti pith of Bangal includes Bettiah, that is why there is shakti mata temple in Durgabag and four dwardevi temples in four directions of Bettiah raj palace compound.Long live Shaktimata.Dr.Mithilesh verma, M.D., F.A.C.S.
जवाब देंहटाएं